Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Alaskan Highway

During our second day in Jasper we re-visited the Icefields Parkway in the car so that we could linger a bit at some of the beautiful pullovers  That is hard to do in a rig that measures 62 feet long.  I was able to take out the tripod and fully enjoy some of the spectacular glaciers..

That afternoon we went along Maligne Lake Road to look for wildlife.  We saw two enormous elk and some really scraggly sheep.  I was horrified to see the ram climb under a car to lick the mineral salts from underneath.

Elk along the Maligne Lake Road
Sheep along the road
Licking the mineral salts from the bottom of the car
Our next stop was Dawson Creek   We spent two nights at the Milepost O campground in a very nice site.  We were first sent to see the only pull-through left or a small back-in.  That pull-through was muddy and someone else was setting up in it.  We went back to the office and the man at the desk apologized profusely and then gave us a site he was holding for one of the workcampers.  We shopped a bit in Dawson Creek and Bre checked all of the systems to make sure we were in good shape for the trip.

Gayle looked into buying an aircard to use while in Canada. It would cost $250 for the card and $65 a month for service.  I just can't justify the expense for only a month, though it would have been nice to have been able to contact everyone while we were marooned in Banff.

Of course we had to take the obligatory photo at Milepost 0, the beginning of the Alaskan Highway.  Gayle took a photo for a couple that wanted a picture together at the sign.  They were from Germany and had brought over their military-style RV with them.   These RVs are set up to travel in a wide variety of terrains and have solar systems to power their lights and entertainment centers and can recycle the grey water so that one can go a month without refilling the water.

Tonight we are in Toad River, British Columbia. Here's a link to the RV campground if you want to find out how children get to school here  Tomorrow we will take the car and travel around this area a bit.  I am still hoping for a moose!


Cheryl said...

As always, enjoyed this very much. Like you said that's some pretty rough looking sheep. Enjoy, stay safe, and keep posting. Give Clark a pat on the head from us.

TravelSouth said...

Thanks Cheryl!

fitz said...

I like the picture in front of the Alaskan Highway! The military looking RV sounds very interesting. Ricky would love it.
Have fun!

TravelSouth said...

Ricky would love it. Bre and I often see rigs and say "Ricky would love that one!"