Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Paul Bunyan Country

June 4
The goal today was to cover at least 300 miles, which meant driving through the rest of Michigan, Wisconsin and well into Minnesota.  We passed endless forests and lakes and beautiful dairy farms.   Our lunch rest stop was at a small pullover next to another lake.  It was so small that Breland couldn't make the full circle and we had to unhook the car so that he could back up and turn a bit more to get us out.  We hooked up again, I went through the whole transmission towing warm-up series on the Honda, and we headed out, determined to reach Bemidji, Minnesota for tonight.

As we rode I looked up campgrounds in the Bemidji area.  The weather forecast called for heavy rains which meant that spending the extra money for a nice campground would be wasted.   Reviews of the less expensive ones weren't very favorable so we decided to boondock in the Walmart parking lot overnight.  I went in to check to make sure it was OK and to pick up a few groceries.  We are secure in  a remote end of the parking lot with a Minnie Winnie next to us and a large tractor trailer behind us.  Just before sunset a beautiful rainbow spread across the sky.   I made fish tacos 
View from the Walmart parking lot
for supper with the trout we bought when we left Mackinaw City, we watched television for a bit and went to bed to the sound of rain on the roof.

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