Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Time with Celeste and Phil

We had a wonderful visit with Phil and Celeste.  It was the first time we saw Phil's new house and it is absolutely gorgeous.   Celeste was a delight.  She will finish kindergarten in a few weeks and can read well. 
Phil's neighbors were kind enough to say they would not mind if we parked at the end of the street.  We were able to stay with Phil instead of in a campground and had much more time with Celeste.  Phil cooked us a great gumbo.
We drove back to Ohio for a day so that Breland could see Magee Marsh.  I was able to spend a few days birding here last year and wanted to share this beautiful place with him.  Even though it was past the peak of spring migration we saw a large number of birds, enough to make us both happy.

Phil took us to Roast in Detroit to eat.  He loves the brussels sprouts there and wanted us to taste them.  I ordered the halibut and Breland, Celeste and Phil all had the filet.   It was an excellent restaurant.

1 comment:

Phillip Tassin said...

Celeste and I really enjoyed your visit. We fought over the remaining Shrimp and Potato Stew.