Friday, June 7, 2013

North Dakota

June 5

After a good night's sleep we woke up to a downpour.  Out first thought was to wait it out but a check of the radar showed that the weather was to the east of us and moving west.  The best plan was to try to outrun the storm.
Breland received a phone call on the day we left Phil's house that the medical tests for his veteran's disability were scheduled for the week of June 10.  If he turns down these appointments down he will go back to the end of the waiting list.  He has been waiting for these appointments since November 2011 and we didn't really want to wait another 19 months.    I got on the phone and got plane reservations for him out of Minot, ND.  We will drive to Medora and I will stay at the Theodore Roosevelt State Park.  We  visited there before and I knew there was enough scenery and wildlife to keep me busy while he would be in Louisiana.  Most of the RV parks near Minot are full of oil field workers and it will be less comfortable to stay there.
Today's trip took us south to reach I-94. For a while I watched the skies with concern.  The clouds were ominous but no rain fell.   The  rest of the drive was sunny and smooth, though really boring.  Mile upon mile of farm and ranch lane, flat and uninteresting.    There were  many containers for the grain's grown in the area.

The stop tonight was at the Jamestown KOA.  It was a quiet, treed, grassy park filled with birds.  The RV faced a long row of blooming lilacs.  The shrubs and trees held vireos, goldfinches, chickadees, and many types of warblers.  I saw redstarts, yellow warblers, chestnut-sided warblers and blackpolls.  Supper was roasted chicken with roasted Brussels sprouts and baked sweet potatoes.   We hope for a good night's sleep so we can make a long haul tomorrow.

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