Saturday, June 29, 2013

Beavers, Reindeer, Wood Bison, a Bear, more Sheep..and now the Yukon!

The drive from Toad River was British Columbia at its best.  The skies were a soft blue and filled with beautiful cloud formations.  The rivers were wild and roaring, tumbling over huge boulders.  Wildlife was everywhere.

In Toad River we watched three beavers eat small branches.  One carried those tender branches to the big beaver lodge in the middle of the pond next to the campground.

The reindeer ( I know wild reindeer are called caribou but they will always be reindeer to me) were plentiful along the roadway.  One ran down the roadway ahead of us.  Breland slowed to let him go to the roadside but he just kept trotting down the road.  Another gave us a challenging look as we went by.

We saw many more stone sheep.  I have lost count of how many we have seen since we left Dawson Creek.  These look much healthier than the ones we saw in Jasper.  A ram was standing proudly in the roadway.  A small black bear ate grass in the ditch alongside the road.

The wood bison is much larger than the American buffalo.  The bulls often weigh more than 2000 pounds. There was a nice herd of them along the road right past Liard Hot Springs.   One mother was tending to her newly born calf.  He was still wet and was having trouble rising to his feet.  She kept coaxing him but we had to move on before he finally stood.

Tonight we are at the Continental Divide RV Park in the Yukon.   This is a beautiful new campground with big pullthroughs separated by trees.  There is a river through a grove of trees.  Their is even good internet access. also has more mosquitoes than anywhere I have ever been in Louisiana. We let some into the camper before we realized how bad they are.  Poor Clark is hiding under the table.  He hates bugs.

We should be in Whitehorse tomorrow.  I hope we can find an open glass repair place.  There is a small star in the windshield from a passing truck.  There are several areas of road repair going on and lots of loose gravel.

Still in Velvet


Buz said...

Outstanding photos. Love the beaver and the ram on the road. Those buffalos reminded me of Yellowstone as did the rock sheep. Big beautiful country and your photos are wonderful!

Dick said...

Great photos all along your Grand Excursion! I'm so glad you two are able to make this trip and enjoy Alaska on the road again.
My very best to you both.

Charlene said...

Like the beaver pictures.