Saturday, June 8, 2013

First Day in Glacier

June 8

I wanted to get out at first light today but Breland needed to sleep in a bit after yesterday.  We drove into the park around 9:30 and stopped at every pullover.  It must have been the wrong time for wildlife because all we saw were prairie dogs and one scraggly coyote.  The mountains were beautiful and the  weather was sunny and in the 70's.   

I wanted to walk down a couple of trails but we haven't bought our bear spray yet.

My photos again today were just snapshots.  I plan to haul out the tripod and get serious tomorrow.  The wildflowers are blooming and the scenery deserves more careful attention.

Dinner tonight was at a little restaurant in town .  I had a Greek salad and Breland had a hamburger with lots of strange things on it.  We both had blackberry pie. Yum.


fitz said...

So beautiful!

fitz said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Maggie said...

It Is Very Beautiful.
I see a double rainbow in the picture with the RV.
Say hi to Clark.

Cheryl said...

The photos are absolutely beautiful and I look forward to checking every day for new shots.

Buz said...

Hard to find words to describe those mountains. Great photos like yours help.