Monday, June 17, 2013

Meadows and Mountaintops

At the southeastern end of Glacier National Park there is a ranger station and a campground popular with horse riders.  It is 19 miles to the entrance for that campground from St. Mary and then 7 miles over a very dusty unpaved road.  I wanted a quiet day today and thought this would be perfect.

There were the usual herds of horses on the roadway.  Montana's open range policy can provide a challenge at times.  I had to wait for quite a while for the herd to move off of the highway.

The road was perfect.  Dusty, bumpy and almost totally empty of cars.  I could hear birds singing the entire way.  The meadows were filled with wildflowers, red, yellow, white, pink, lavender and blue stretching as far as the eye could see.  

Clark didn't like today's ride either.  The roads were too bumpy for him.  I should have left him back in the camper.

The road to the campround is winding and steep


Phillip Tassin said...

Beautiful Mom

TravelSouth said...

Thank you Phil. It is incredible country.