Monday, June 24, 2013

The Road is Open!

It was a pre-hurricane type experience to go to the grocery store here.  There was no bread or milk available nor was there any fresh produce.  No supplies can come in to town and the hotels and restaurants are worried about running out of supplies.
The roads were opened today as far as  Lake Louise and out to Golden.  People are taking the long route around back to Vancouver. Calgary is flooded and 23 surrounding communities have been evacuated.   Breland and I discussed going out toward the west and then taking the Cassiar Highway up to Alaska but that is a rough highway at the best of times and we don't have information about the conditions of the roads leading to the Cassiar.  We decided to stay put for now and spend our day in Lake Louise. 
It was a beautiful day there.  The sun was out and the day was very warm.  We ate at the Fairmont.  The view from our table was absolutely incredible. Bre had the Bison Rueben, made quite differently from a standard Rueben.  Buffalo, pickled red cabbage and melted Brie on a hearty rye bread.  See the photo below. 
Preschoolers Field Trip to See the Flooded River

A view to the south from our camping spot

A bridge to allow wildlife to cross the road safely

View from our dinner table

Bre's Bison Reuben

This train is on its way to haul freight through a tunnel that spirals INSIDE of a mountain

Some more of the train

Kayaking on a flooded creek

Sandbagging the library

Elk calf

By 6:00 p.m. the towns of Banff and Lake Louise had lost all electricity.  It didn't come on until the next morning.  I am getting tired of Banff.

Highway 93N is open!  The mudslides have been cleared and there is little damage to the roadbed.  We could now head on to Jasper to continue our journey toward Alaska.  To get to Jasper we first had to cross the Icefield Parkway. The glaciers along the parkway are enormous.  There was still quite a bit of repair and road construction going on along the route.  At two spots bighorn sheep blocked the roadway. 

We are camping in Jasper for two nights.  There are many elk in the campground  and most cows have new little calves.
Wild rose

Parked by the Weeping Wall

Sunset in Jaspar

Icefield Parkway

Waterfall on the Parkway

A bus on it's way to the Columbia Glacier


fitz said...

So beautiful! Glad you have made it to Jasper!

Cheryl said...

So glad y'all are out of the rain. This is so very beautiful

Theresa said...

The view from the table is breath taking. Can't believe its a real place and not a painting. Glad the rain stopped. Keep the pictures coming.