Friday, June 14, 2013

Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta Canada

I have added quite a few photos today.  To see them all click on one to make it full size and then click on it again to scroll through all of the photos.

The weather was overcast here again this morning and I headed north to Canada to find some sun. I was a bit nervous about going through customs.  Passport and doggy papers were in order and I checked the car to make sure that I knew exactly what was in it but it is still a bit unnerving.  The Canadian border guard was so spiffy in his uniform and quite serious.  The questions were a bit strange but Clark and I were welcomed to Canada in less than a minute.  The person in front of me was pulled over.  Yikes.

Waterton was more beautiful than I remembered.  The last time Breland and I were here was in the fall of 2007 and it was very crowded then. Today there were few people.  A deer was at the entrance to the park, a grizzly on side of the road right after.  On the ride to Deer Creek I saw a total of six bears, a moose, and more deer.

One very large black bear sniffed the air as I sat in a pullover watching him.  He then ran down the mountain toward the road, sniffing as he came.  He climbed down the embankment and started toward the car but was  frightened by a car coming from the other direction and headed back up the mountain. I do think he may have been coming to visit Clark.  I, of course, had the doors securely locked and the windows up.

A cinnamon-colored black bear.

Checking out my car from high on the mountainside.

What big claws he had!

 The scenes along the way through Glacier and Waterton Parks were breathtaking.


Maggie said...

The bears are pretty. Does Clark bark at them? The house of windows look cool.

TravelSouth said...

Thanks Maggie. Clark just growls very softly as a warning. I think if they came really close he would bark. The building with all of the windows is the Prince of Wales hotel. It looks very small in the photo with the mountains around it but is really a big hotel.

fitz said...

Beautiful location! I love the bears!

Theresa said...

Please keep my Clarky away from the bears!!! How bid do you think they are? I'm sure much bigger than our black bears.

TravelSouth said...

They are much bigger than the ones in the Smokies. Clark is more scared of my driving than he is of bears but I will keep him safe.