Thursday, June 13, 2013

Glaciers and Flowers

Years of traveling alone for work taught me that even the most wonderful new site is not as enjoyable if you don't have someone to share it with. That is true here in Glacier.

 It has been cool and rainy every since Breland left. I have traveled the park roads several times, enjoying the birds and flowers.   Did you know that in 1850 there were 150 glaciers here in this park?  And that there are only 25 left today and that by 2020 they all will be gone?

The lodge at Many Glacier will open soon and the employees are rushing around to get everything ready.  I counted over 100 flower planters being set up today.

 There are countless wildflowers throughout the park.  I will have to learn their names.

 It is especially beautiful in these mountains right after a rainstorm.

A couple enjoying the view to Grinell Glacier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gayle, absolutely beautiful!!